Trust Bucks-Mont Eye
for Your Vision Needs
All of our eye doctors perform the very same “comprehensive” ophthalmologic examination. This consists of an evaluation of vision, the possible need for corrective glasses or contact lenses, assessment of eye movements, glaucoma testing, evaluation of conjunctival, corneal, or cataract disorders and a thorough examination of the retina and optic nerve.
Some Conditions We Diagnose & Treat:
We Recommend Asking Someone To Drive You
Nearly all patients will receive one or two types of drops, which may interfere with your vision. You may experience light sensitivity and blurred vision for several hours. Special tests such as visual fields, ocular photography, optical coherence topography, corneal pachymetry, corneal topography, and ultrasonography are performed right in the office. Occasionally, additional testing will be required at the hospital or at another testing facility.
Dilating Eye Drops
Dilating drops are used to dilate or enlarge the pupils of the eye to allow the ophthalmologist or optometrist to get a better view of the inside of your eye. Dilating drops frequently blur vision for a length of time which varies from person to person and may make bright lights bothersome. It is not possible for your Doctor to predict how much your vision will be affected. Because driving may be difficult immediately after an examination, it’s best if you make arrangements not to drive yourself.
Diabetic Eye Exams
If you have diabetes, yearly eye exams are necessary since diabetes can cause damage to the small blood vessels in the retina. When this type of damage occurs, it is called diabetic retinopathy. The result can be poor vision and even blindness.
By keeping your blood sugar, blood pressures, and cholesterol levels normal, you can help to slow or avoid the damage. Follow up dilated eye examinations are extremely important to monitor your diabetic retinopathy.
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Glaucoma is a slow, usually silent degeneration of the optic nerve that can occur at all levels of intraocular pressure.
When left untreated, this condition can lead to blindness. State-of-the-art visual field testing, glaucoma progression software analysis, and optical coherence tomography are invaluable tools and are used to guide our diagnosis and treatments of this disease. Treating glaucoma is very important.
Cataracts are a condition when the natural lens in the eye becomes clouded. It commonly causes blurred vision and glare.
Macular Degeneration
Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) damages the part of your eye called the macula, which is the central part of the retina and responsible for giving you clear central vision.
Having ARMD may cause fuzzy vision, straight lines to look curvy, and/or you may have a dark spot in the center of your field of vision. It is also possible to have no visual symptoms.
A series of tests can be performed to determine if you have this condition. Ocular coherence tomography (which uses a laser that scans your retina and is able to image various retinal layers) is utilized to diagnose this disease. Follow up care is a key part of your treatment. It is also important to check your Amsler grid regularly and report any changes to your doctor immediately.
Dry Eye
Dry eyes may cause the eyes to water frequently or cause blurred vision, as well as feel uncomfortable, gritty, or sandy. The causes of dry eye can be related to allergies, contact lens irritation, or if the eye is not producing a proper quantity or quality of tears. A thorough examination of your eye can usually provide an answer of whether or not you have the disorder. Dry eyes can be treated with eye drops or other medication.
Refractive Errors
Refractive errors happen when your eye doesn’t allow light to focus correctly onto the retina. This can be due to eyeball length, corneal shape changes, or lens aging.
There are a few types of refractive errors:
Also known as nearsightedness, Myopia is when objects up close are clear, but objects far away are blurry.
As you age, your eye can’t see near objects as clearly. Progressive addition lenses and traditional bifocal eyeglasses are the most common types of optical correction for this condition. There are also multifocal contact lenses or monovision lenses that may help with this condition. Monovision lenses allow one eye to focus at distance and the other eye to focus at near.
Also known as farsightedness, Hyperopia occurs when objects far away are clearer than near objects.
Results in blurred vision due to light entering the eye at two different focal points. It is a common condition and is corrected using eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Amblyopia is a condition in which vision is not correctable to normal levels. It can be referred to as “lazy eye” and occurs during childhood development.
Corneal Dystrophy
Corneal dystrophy is when you have irregularities in the cornea. It can cause blurry vision, vision loss, light sensitivity, and significant pain. An eye doctor can diagnose corneal dystrophy with an eye examination, including the slip lamp exam, where the eye is looked at under a highly magnified microscope. Treatment includes eye drops, medication, and even corneal transplants.
When your cornea is irregularly shaped, this is called keratoconus. This could cause a significant decrease in your vision. Corneal topography can be used to determine the shape of your cornea. Keratoconus can be treated with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or, in advanced cases, corneal transplantation.
Strabismus is when the eyes are misaligned due to the eye muscles not working in coordination. Treatment for this condition can include correction with eyeglasses, vision therapy, or surgery.