Dry Eye

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Cataract & Glaucoma Procedures

At Bucks-Mont Eye Associates, our eye doctors understand how uncomfortable and frustrating dry eye syndrome can be. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and effective treatments to help you find relief and improve your eye health.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. Imagine your eyes as a well-oiled machine – when there’s not enough lubrication, things don’t run smoothly.

Healthy eyes constantly produce tears to keep the surface moist and comfortable. These tears are made up of water, oils, and mucus, each playing a crucial role in maintaining eye health.

When this delicate balance is disrupted, dry eye syndrome can develop. Many people experience dry eye symptoms occasionally, especially in dry or windy environments.

However, for some, it becomes a chronic condition that affects daily life and comfort. Dry eye syndrome can have various causes, and often, it’s a combination of factors that lead to its development.

Understanding the underlying cause of your dry eye symptoms is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan. At Bucks-Mont Eye Associates, your eye doctor will work with you to identify the factors contributing to your dry eye and create a personalized treatment plan to help manage your symptoms.

Take the Dry Eye Self Test

What Are the Most Common Dry Eye Symptoms?

While symptoms can vary from person to person, some of the most common symptoms include:

  • A stinging, burning, or scratchy sensation in your eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Redness of the eye
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Watery eyes, which might seem counterintuitive but can be a response to irritation

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms regularly, it’s important to schedule an eye exam.

4 million
cataract surgeries are performed each year
cataract patients felt the surgery was easier than expected
3 million
Americans have glaucoma but only 50% know they do

Cataract Procedure Options

Our surgeons strive to offer the most advanced surgical options to provide our patients with the best visual results. There are many options available including some advanced technology lens implants that provide less dependence on eyeglasses. Cataract surgery can be customized to our patients specific visual needs.

Dropless™ Cataract Surgery

Bucks-Mont Eye Associates now offers Dropless™ cataract surgery. Most patients are relieved of the burden and cost of post-operative eye drops with this important advancement in cataract surgery.

Monofocal IOLs

Traditional Monofocal IOLs will improve distance vision and is a great choice for cataract patients. While there will be a distinct improvement in vision, patients may still require eyeglasses after surgery for near vision or to correct any astigmatism. This type of IOL is frequently used and is covered by most insurances minus any co-pays or deductibles.

Dry Eye Treatment at Bucks-Mont Eye Associates

At Bucks-Mont Eye Associates, our dry eye specialists offer a range of treatments for dry eye syndrome. Here are some of the treatments we provide:

Artificial Tears and Gels


Over-the-counter artificial tears are often the first line of defense against mild dry eye symptoms. These lubricating eye drops can provide temporary relief and help supplement your natural tear production.

For more severe cases or nighttime use, your eye doctor might suggest lubricating gels or ointments.

Prescription Eye Drops

If over-the-counter options aren’t providing sufficient relief, your eye doctor may prescribe medicated eye drops such as Restasis or Xiidra. These prescription medications can be very effective but may take several weeks to show full benefits.

Warm Compresses and Eyelid Scrubs

For many people with dry eye, especially those with meibomian gland dysfunction, warm compresses and eyelid hygiene can make a significant difference. Warm compresses help melt and release oils from the meibomian glands, while gentle eyelid scrubs help remove debris and keep the eyelids clean.

Autologous Serum Eye Drops

In some severe cases of dry eye, your eye doctor might recommend autologous serum eye drops. These are custom-made drops created from a sample of your own blood.

They contain growth factors and other beneficial components that closely mimic natural tears. While not a first-line treatment, they can be very effective for certain patients.


Punctal Plugs

Punctal plugs are tiny devices inserted into the tear ducts to prevent tears from draining away too quickly. This can help keep the eye’s surface moist for longer periods.

At Bucks-Mont Eye Associates, our dry eye specialists offer both temporary and permanent plugs, depending on your needs.

Meibomian Gland Expression

For patients with meibomian gland dysfunction, your eye doctor may recommend in-office procedures to express the oil glands manually or with specialized devices. This can help restore oil flow and improve tear film quality.

Are you experiencing symptoms of dry eye or have concerns about your eye health? Schedule an appointment at Bucks-Mont Eye Associates in Sellersville, PA, today, and take the first step towards relief from dry eye syndrome!